Teen Magic: Mikayla Oz

AMES, IOWA – Teens are invited to the Ames Public Library on Tuesday, June 11, at 3:30pm in the Auditorium for an up close magic experience with Mikayla Oz, where sleight of hand meets mind-bending illusions.


Prepare to be amazed as objects vanish, reappear, and float before your eyes, all with a touch of Mikayla’s unique charm and humor. This immersive show will leave you impressed and engaged as you witness the artistry of close-up magic.


Sponsored by Ames Public Library Friends Foundation.


Presented in partnership with Ames Public Library and Ames Public Library’s Teen Advisory Group (TAG).


TAG is a group of teen volunteers who meet monthly to plan library events, discuss books, and make new friends. For more information, e-mail eatwell@amespubliclibrary.org or join us at our next meeting.


Jun 11, 2024


3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Ames Public Library
515 Douglas Ave, Ames, IA, 50010