Boys & Girls Clubs Capital Improvement Project

Rendering of new Boys & Girls club building for Story County

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Story County is in the final stages of a capital improvement campaign that will expand and modernize their current location.

The $7 million project will add 7,500 square feet to the south of their existing building, as well as provide needed updates throughout the building. “The project will address critical updates to the HVAC, lighting, fire, and security systems,” said CEO Ryan Santi. “It will also enhance kitchen and classroom space, and ultimately allow the organization to serve more kids.”

The Ames club has been a staple in the community since 1963. Their current facility was built in 1998 and is ready for a remodel. The Boys & Girls Clubs offers a range of services to youth throughout the year. In 2022, they provided over 11,000 meals to students, many of whom regularly experience food insecurity. They also provide a friendly and supportive environment to kids. Last year, they served nearly 800 students through community outreach programs.

Over the past several decades, the scope of programming has changed. “The old model of the Boys & Girls Clubs was to show up and hang out,” said Development Director Judge Johnston. “Today, we are an extension of the school day for many of our kids. This includes educational programming, arts and crafts, and serving a hot meal to them daily.” In 2022, they provided 1,500 hours of academic, healthy lifestyle, and character enhancement programs.

The Boys & Girls Clubs currently serves 105 students but has a waiting list that they will be able to address after the completion of this new expansion project. The new kitchen will allow for cooking classes where students can learn core lifestyle skills. “We have a number of students who serve as the primary caregiver at home because their parents work long hours,” said Santi. “This type of programming will give students the skills needed to not only cook for themselves, but for their siblings as well.”

The Boys & Girls Clubs had $3 million at the launch of their campaign, thanks to a $2.7 million grant from the State of Iowa, and their own contribution of $300,000 that was taken from cash reserves. Through a generous donation from the Burke family and other private donations, they have already raised $4.55 million, two-thirds of their goal, as of October 2023. The public campaign began this fall and was led by Johnston, Santi, and Board President Tyler Farner.

They anticipate breaking ground on the expansion project in Spring 2024.

To learn how to donate to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Story County expansion project, visit their website at
