Mg Biologics of Rural Boone County Announces Expansion Plans

Mg Biologics, a manufacturer of life-saving plasma and antibody products for the veterinary market, leveraging the best science available for dogs, cats, horses, pigs, cattle, and other species is announcing plans for a $5 million dollar expansion that will enhance their manufacturing, warehouse, and research footprint in rural Boone County.  The project will result in the creation of 8 new technical positions.

In action last week the Boone County Supervisors approved a local match and resolution of support for the Mg Biologics application to the State of Iowa’s High-Quality Jobs Program.   The Supervisors will be supporting this economic development project with tax abatement incentives.  Following the board action, the Supervisors conveyed their support and excitement in the resulting new capital investment and jobs in Boone County.

“We are thankful to our neighbors and community for their support—especially as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary this September! We eagerly look forward to all the work that will be done on our behalf for many years to come in partnership with the Boone County Board of Supervisors and Ames Economic Development Commission.” – Mark and Elizabeth Meyer. Founders of Mg Biologics.

This morning, the Board of Directors of the Iowa Economic Development Authority approved the Mg Biologics application for State funding support. The High-Quality Jobs Program incentives awarded to the company are valued at approximately $225,000.   
