Center of the Running Community: Fitness Sports

If your new year’s resolution is to hit the pavement more often to get in shape for that upcoming 5K, or simply with a renewed interest in getting back in shape, then you should get to know Seth Kilborn at Fitness Sports.

“Our goal with Fitness Sports – Ames is to support and grow the running community in Ames,” said Kilborn. The new store, located in Downtown Ames, opened in July 2023, and is quickly positioning itself as the center of the running community.

​Kilborn has been a runner nearly his entire life and it continues to be his passion. “To me, running is a way for me to push myself, stay active, and it’s a great way to socialize,” said Kilborn. “I have met a lot of great people through the sport. Running is so simple. All you need is a good pair of shoes and a sidewalk to take you places you never thought you could go.”

Fitness Sports specializes in getting customers the perfect pair of shoes for their walking or running interests. “What makes us different from other shoe stores is our expertise and the specificity of what we do,” said Kilborn. Customers can receive a free gait analysis that looks at the arch height and width of a foot. “We look at how your ankles and knees move when you run and make a shoe recommendation based on that analysis.”

​The store caters to both walkers and runner with about 65% of sales to those interested in walking. “While we are known as a running store, we also serve a lot of walkers,” said Kilborn. “We believe it is just as important to be in the correct shoe when you’re walking as it is when you’re running.”

​Kilborn attended and competed for Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa and Grand View University in Des Moines. “I was lucky to be able to travel to meets all over the country and meet a lot of great people,” said Kilborn. He continues to be an active runner. In October 2023, he placed sixth at the IMT Des Moines Marathon with a time of 2:39.48. In November, he embarked a 50-mile race at Jester Park along with his running friend Clayton Mooney, powered by Clayton Farms Salads. He had to withdraw from the race due to an injury after 42 miles, but he is eyeing another race in 2024.

​The ultra-race is his new running passion. “After spending my high school and collegiate career trying to run as fast as I could, I now am curious just how far I can go. Ultra-races are an entirely different monster to anything I’ve done before.” He desires to master the 50-mile distance and then move up in distance, aspiring to complete a 100-mile race.

Fitness Sports – Ames supports local races best they can, wants to see new ones come to town, and is looking to organize their own over time. They also host free group run/walks from the store one to two times a month, with more coming in the summer of 2024. Find these events and more information on their Facebook page. “We want everyone to have a safe space to be active and have fun. Whatever your pace, everyone is welcome.”
