Two Boone County Housing Developments Receive State Funding

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Empire Reality, LLC will be constructing eight market rate rental units on four infill lots in West Boone. The Ringold Estates project will consist of four twin homes. Josh and Heidi Walters, owners of Empire Realty, LLC explain, “This State of Iowa funding is critical to move our Ringold Estates project forward. We wish to extend our gratitude to the City of Boone, Boone County Economic Growth Corporation, and the team at the Ames Economic Development Commission for providing us the support we needed at all phases of project planning to submit a successful application.” Empire Reality, LLC was awarded $303,330 in state funding.

Gateway Cottages is an 18-unit expansion of the existing Kading Development in Madrid. Awarded $584,641 in funding this rental project will assist in meeting the growing residential needs in this Boone County community.

The Workforce Housing Tax Credit program has a focus on projects that redevelop abandoned, empty, or dilapidated properties. For more program information, please contact Brenda Dryer, Ames Economic Development Commission Sr. Vice President at
